Caveats / Known issues


The output DataFrames contain metadata indicating which type of spectra they contain. This metadata can be accessed through the attribute attrs. The plotter tool relies on this information to know which type of plot to generate.

Pandas does not yet have a robust method of propagating metadata attached to DataFrames, so if some operations are performed over the DataFrame, this information may be lost. Luckily, most common operations preserve metadata.

The plotter can only receive pandas DataFrames and not pandas Series, which may be important when selecting a particular row of a DataFrame.

For example, if df is a DataFrame returned by GaiaXPy corresponding to either the calibrator or converter output, and we want to select row 0 and the use plot_spectra on it:

df.iloc[0] # Will return a Pandas Series, not accepted by plot_spectra
df.iloc[[0]] # Will return a Pandas DataFrame, accepted by plot_spectra

Minimum requirements

GaiaXPy works with Python 3.6 and later.

Regarding the operating system used, an installation issue has been reported when using a system older than macOS Monterey 12.1.

So far, no issues have been reported with other operating systems.