Source code for gaiaxpy.calibrator.calibrator

Module for the calibrator functionality.

from configparser import ConfigParser
from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path
from sys import stdout
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from gaiaxpy.config.paths import config_path, config_ini_file
from gaiaxpy.core.config import load_xpmerge_from_xml, load_xpsampling_from_xml
from gaiaxpy.core.generic_functions import cast_output, validate_wl_sampling, parse_band, format_sampled_output
from gaiaxpy.core.generic_variables import pbar_colour, pbar_units, pbar_message
from gaiaxpy.core.satellite import BANDS, BP_WL, RP_WL
from gaiaxpy.input_reader.input_reader import InputReader
from gaiaxpy.output.sampled_spectra_data import SampledSpectraData
from gaiaxpy.spectrum.sampled_basis_functions import SampledBasisFunctions
from gaiaxpy.spectrum.utils import get_covariance_matrix
from gaiaxpy.spectrum.xp_continuous_spectrum import XpContinuousSpectrum
from .external_instrument_model import ExternalInstrumentModel
from ..core.input_validator import validate_save_arguments
from ..spectrum.calibration_absolute_sampled_spectrum import CalibrationAbsoluteSampledSpectrum

__FUNCTION_KEY = 'calibrator'

[docs] def calibrate(input_object: Union[list, Path, str], sampling: np.ndarray = None, truncation: bool = False, output_path: Union[Path, str] = '.', output_file: str = 'output_spectra', output_format: str = None, save_file: bool = True, with_correlation: bool = False, username: str = None, password: str = None) -> \ (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray): """ Calibration utility: calibrates the input internally-calibrated continuously-represented mean spectra to the absolute system. An absolute spectrum sampled on a user-defined or default wavelength grid is created for each set of BP and RP input spectra. If either band is missing, the output spectrum will only cover the range covered by the available data. Args: input_object (list/Path/str): Path to the file containing the mean spectra as downloaded from the archive in their continuous representation, a list of sources ids (string or long), or a pandas DataFrame. sampling (ndarray): 1D array containing the desired sampling in absolute wavelengths [nm]. truncation (bool): Toggle truncation of the set of bases. The level of truncation to be applied is defined by the recommended value in the input files. output_path (Path/str): Path where to save the output data. output_file (str): Name of the output file without extension (e.g. 'my_file'). output_format (str): Desired output format. If no format is given, the output file format will be the same as the input file (e.g. 'csv'). save_file (bool): Whether to save the output in a file. If false, output_format and output_file will be ignored. with_correlation (bool): Whether correlation information should be generated. username (str): Cosmos username, only suggested when input_object is a list or ADQL query. password (str): Cosmos password, only suggested when input_object is a list or ADQL query. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: DataFrame: The values for all sampled absolute spectra. ndarray: The sampling used to calibrate the input spectra (user-provided or default). """ return _calibrate(input_object, sampling, truncation, output_path, output_file, output_format, save_file, with_correlation=with_correlation, username=username, password=password)
def _calibrate(input_object: Union[list, Path, str], sampling: np.ndarray = None, truncation: bool = False, output_path: Union[Path, str] = '.', output_file: str = 'output_spectra', output_format: str = None, save_file: bool = True, with_correlation: bool = False, username: str = None, password: str = None, bp_model: str = 'v375wi', rp_model: str = 'v142r', disable_info: bool = False) -> \ (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray): """ Internal function of the calibration utility. Refer to "calibrate". Args: bp_model (str): The bp model. rp_model (str): The rp model. Returns: DataFrame: A list of all sampled absolute spectra. ndarray: The sampling used to calibrate the spectra. Raises: ValueError: If the sampling is out of the expected boundaries. """ validate_wl_sampling(sampling) validate_save_arguments(_calibrate.__defaults__[3], output_file, _calibrate.__defaults__[4], output_format, save_file) parsed_input_data, extension = InputReader(input_object, _calibrate, truncation=truncation, disable_info=disable_info, user=username, password=password).read() xp_design_matrices, xp_merge = __generate_xp_matrices_and_merge(__FUNCTION_KEY, sampling, bp_model, rp_model) spectra_df, positions = __create_spectra(parsed_input_data, truncation, xp_design_matrices, xp_merge, with_correlation=with_correlation, disable_info=disable_info) spectra_df = cast_output(spectra_df) output_data = SampledSpectraData(spectra_df, positions), output_path, output_file, output_format, extension) return spectra_df, positions def __create_merge(xp: str, sampling: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Create the weight information on the input sampling grid. Args: xp (str): Band (either 'bp' or 'rp'). sampling (ndarray): 1D array containing the sampling grid. Returns: ndarray: A numpy array containing an array with weights for the given band. """ xp = parse_band(xp) wl_high = BP_WL.high wl_low = RP_WL.low return np.array([1.0 if wl < wl_low else 0.0 if wl > wl_high else (1.0 - (wl - wl_low) / (wl_high - wl_low)) for wl in sampling]) \ if xp == BANDS.bp else np.array([0.0 if wl < wl_low else 1.0 if wl > wl_high else (wl - wl_low) / (wl_high - wl_low) for wl in sampling]) def __generate_xp_matrices_and_merge(label: str, sampling: np.ndarray, bp_model: str, rp_model: str) -> (dict, dict): """ Generates the xp_design_matrices and xp_merge from the input parameters. Args: label (str): The label for the data. sampling (np.ndarray): The given sampling. bp_model (str): The bp model. rp_model (str): The rp model. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing two dictionaries, one for the xp_design_matrices and the other for the xp_merge. """ def __get_file_for_xp(xp: str, key: str, _bp_model: str = bp_model, _rp_model: str = rp_model) -> str: """ Retrieves the file for the specified xp band. Args: xp (str): The xp band, either 'bp' or 'rp'. key (str): The key for the file in the config file. _bp_model (str): The bp model. _rp_model (str): The rp model. Returns: str: The file path for the specified xp band. Raises: ValueError: If the xp band is not 'bp' or 'rp'. """ xp = parse_band(xp) config_parser = ConfigParser() file_name = config_parser.get(label, key) model = _bp_model if xp == BANDS.bp else _rp_model return join(config_path, f"{file_name.replace('xp', xp).replace('model', model)}") if sampling is None: xp_sampling_grid, xp_merge = load_xpmerge_from_xml(bp_model=bp_model) xp_design_matrices = load_xpsampling_from_xml(bp_model=bp_model) xp_design_matrices = {xp: SampledBasisFunctions.from_design_matrix(xp_sampling_grid, xp_design_matrices[xp]) for xp in BANDS} else: xp_merge = {xp: __create_merge(xp, sampling) for xp in BANDS} xp_design_matrices = {xp: SampledBasisFunctions.from_external_instrument_model( sampling, xp_merge[xp], ExternalInstrumentModel.from_config_csv( __get_file_for_xp(xp, 'dispersion'), __get_file_for_xp(xp, 'response'), __get_file_for_xp(xp, 'bases'))) for xp in BANDS} return xp_design_matrices, xp_merge def __create_spectra(parsed_input_data: pd.DataFrame, truncation: bool, design_matrices: dict, merge: dict, with_correlation: bool = False, disable_info: bool = False): """ Create a DataFrame of absolute sampled spectra for each source in the parsed mean spectra file. Args: parsed_input_data (DataFrame): DataFrame containing information for each source in the mean spectra file. This includes columns for both bands (although one band could be missing). truncation (bool): If True, the set of bases is truncated. design_matrices (dict): Dictionary containing 2D arrays of basis functions sampled on the pseudo-wavelength grid (either user-defined or default) for both bands. merge (dict): Dictionary containing arrays of weights for both bands. These define the contributions from each band to the joined absolute spectrum. with_correlation (bool, optional): If True, the covariance information is included in the resulting AbsoluteSampledSpectrum objects. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple: spectra_df (DataFrame): DataFrame of absolute sampled spectra, each represented as a dictionary with attributes 'data_type' indicating the type of spectra and 'positions' indicating the sample positions. positions (ndarray): 1D array of the sample positions. """ parsed_spectrum_file_dict = parsed_input_data.to_dict('records') spectra_series = pd.Series([_create_spectrum(row, truncation, design_matrices, merge, with_correlation=with_correlation) for row in tqdm( parsed_spectrum_file_dict, desc=pbar_message[__FUNCTION_KEY], unit=pbar_units[__FUNCTION_KEY], leave=False, colour=pbar_colour, disable=disable_info, file=stdout)]) return format_sampled_output(spectra_series, with_correlation=with_correlation) def _create_spectrum(row, truncation, design_matrix, merge, with_correlation=False): """ Create a single sampled absolute spectrum from the input continuously-represented mean spectrum and design matrix. Args: row (DataFrame): Single row in a DataFrame containing the entry for one source in the mean spectra file. This will include columns for both bands (although one could be missing). truncation (bool): Toggle truncation of the set of bases. design_matrix (ndarray): 2D array containing the basis functions sampled on the pseudo-wavelength grid (either user-defined or default). merge (dict): Dictionary containing an array of weights per BP and one for RP. These have one value per sample and define the contributions from BP and RP to the joined absolute spectrum. Returns: CalibrationAbsoluteSampledSpectrum: The absolute sampled spectrum with calibration behaviour. """ source_id = row['source_id'] continuous_dict = {band: XpContinuousSpectrum(source_id, band, row[f'{band}_coefficients'], get_covariance_matrix(row, band), row[f'{band}_standard_deviation']) for band in BANDS} recommended_truncation = {band: row[f'{band}_n_relevant_bases'] for band in BANDS} if truncation else dict() return CalibrationAbsoluteSampledSpectrum(source_id, continuous_dict, design_matrix, merge, truncation=recommended_truncation, with_correlation=with_correlation)