Source code for gaiaxpy.generator.photometric_system

Module for the management of photometric systems.

from configparser import ConfigParser
from os import remove
from os.path import exists

from aenum import Enum

from gaiaxpy.core.generic_functions import _get_built_in_systems, _is_built_in_system
from .config import _CFG_FILE_PATH, create_config, get_additional_filters_names, contains_filter_key
from .regular_photometric_system import RegularPhotometricSystem
from .standardised_photometric_system import StandardisedPhotometricSystem
from .utils import get_yes_no_answer

[docs] def get_available_systems(): systems_list = _get_available_systems() return ', '.join(systems_list)
[docs] class AutoName(Enum):
[docs] def get_system_name(self): return
[docs] def get_system_label(self): return self.value.label
[docs] def get_zero_points(self): return self.value.zero_points
[docs] def get_bands(self): return self.value.bands
[docs] def get_offsets(self): return self.value.offsets
[docs] def get_version(self): return self.value.version
def _system_is_standard(system_name): """ Tell whether the input system is standard or not. Args: system_name (str): Photometric system name. Returns: bool: True is system is standard, false otherwise. """ std_substring = system_name.split('_')[-1] if _is_built_in_system(system_name) else system_name[-3:] return std_substring.lower() == 'std'
[docs] def create_system(name, systems_path=None): return StandardisedPhotometricSystem(name, systems_path) if _system_is_standard(name) \ else RegularPhotometricSystem(name, systems_path)
def _get_available_systems(config_file=None): """ Get the available photometric systems according to the package configuration. Returns: str: A string containing the names of the photometric systems separated by spaces. """ built_in_systems = _get_built_in_systems() # Try to load the configuration and see whether more systems have been defined additional_systems = get_additional_filters_names(config_file) return built_in_systems + additional_systems def _get_system_tuples(): return [(s, create_system(s, None)) if _is_built_in_system(s) else (s, create_system(s, _CFG_FILE_PATH)) for s in _get_available_systems(_CFG_FILE_PATH)] system_tuples = _get_system_tuples() PhotometricSystem = AutoName('PhotometricSystem', system_tuples) PhotometricSystem.get_available_systems = get_available_systems
[docs] def get_current_filters_path(): _config_parser = ConfigParser() return _config_parser['filter']['filters_dir']
[docs] def load_additional_systems(_systems_path=None): """ Load additional photometric systems. Args: _systems_path (str): Path to directory containing the additional filter files. If not provided, the program will ask the user to input one. Returns: Enum: PhotometricSystem object corresponding to an enumeration of the updated available systems. """ updated_enum = __load_additional_systems(_systems_path, _CFG_FILE_PATH) updated_enum.get_available_systems = get_available_systems print('Systems loaded. Use PhotometricSystem.get_available_systems() to get the names of the current available' ' systems.') return updated_enum
def __load_additional_systems(_filters_path=None, config_file=None): """ Load additional photometric systems. The names of these additional systems will start with the prefix 'USER.' For example, if a system is named 'X' in the loaded file, the corresponding photometric system will be referenced in GaiaXPy as 'USER_X', and it should be called using 'PhotometricSystem.USER_X,' where USER is not a username but simply the string 'USER'. Args: _filters_path (str): Path to directory containing the additional filter files. config_file (str): Path to configuration file where the path to the additional filter files will be stored. """ config_file = config_file if config_file else _CFG_FILE_PATH if exists(config_file) and contains_filter_key(config_file): print(f'A path for additional filters has already been defined. The current path is ' f'{get_current_filters_path()}') get_yes_no_answer('Do you want to redefine the path? [[y]/n]: ', yes_action=create_config, no_action=None, yes_args=_filters_path) else: create_config(_filters_path, config_file) return AutoName('PhotometricSystem', _get_system_tuples())
[docs] def remove_additional_systems(): """ Remove previously loaded additional photometric systems. If no additional systems have been added, no changes will be made. Returns: Enum: PhotometricSystem object corresponding to an enumeration of the updated available systems. """ if exists(_CFG_FILE_PATH): remove(_CFG_FILE_PATH) print('Additional systems configuration successfully removed.') else: print('No additional configuration exists.') _PhotometricSystem = AutoName('PhotometricSystem', _get_system_tuples()) _PhotometricSystem.get_available_systems = get_available_systems return _PhotometricSystem