Source code for gaiaxpy.plotter.plotter

Module to create a plotter object.

from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

[docs] class Plotter(object): def __init__(self, spectra, sampling, show_plot, output_path, output_file, _format, legend, save_file): if isinstance(spectra, pd.Series): df = spectra.reset_index().transpose() df.columns = df.iloc[0] spectra = df[1:] self.spectra = spectra self.spectra_class = _set_class(spectra) self.sampling = sampling self.show_plot = show_plot self.output_path = output_path # Here we assume that the list only contains spectra of the same type self.output_file = self._set_output_file(output_file) self.format = _format self.legend = legend self.save_file = save_file # Set maximum number of spectra to plot self.max_spectra_on_multi = 40 self.max_spectra_on_single = 20
[docs] def plot_fig(self): raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented for the parent class.')
def _get_inputs(self, spectrum): return self.sampling, spectrum['flux'], spectrum['flux_error'] def _get_source_id(self, spectrum): return spectrum['source_id'] def _save_figure(self, index=None): """ Args: index (int): Index to append at the end of the name of the figure, only used when many single plots are requested. """ # Save the figure in the current path is no path is provided output_path = self.output_path if self.output_path else '.' # If index is provided, then append to file name output_file_name = f'{self.output_file}_{index}' if index is not None else self.output_file Path(output_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(join(output_path, f'{output_file_name}.{self.format}'), format=self.format, transparent=False) def _set_output_file(self, output_file): return output_file if output_file else self.spectra_class.__name__
def _set_class(spectra): if isinstance(spectra, pd.DataFrame): return spectra.attrs['data_type'] else: raise ValueError('Input should be a pandas DataFrame.')