Source code for gaiaxpy.spectrum.multi_synthetic_photometry

Module to represent a synthetic photometry in multiple photometric systems.

import pandas as pd

def _flatten_list(lst):
    return [item for sublist in lst for item in sublist]

def _generate_variables(photometries):
    # A photometry corresponds to the photometry of a single source id in all the different systems
    mags = [[photometry.mag for photometry in multi_photometry] for multi_photometry in photometries]
    fluxes = [[photometry.flux for photometry in multi_photometry] for multi_photometry in photometries]
    flux_errors = [[photometry.error for photometry in multi_photometry] for multi_photometry in photometries]
    return mags, fluxes, flux_errors

def _get_source_ids(photometries):
    return [photometry[0].source_id for photometry in photometries]

[docs] class MultiSyntheticPhotometry(object): """ Synthetic photometry derived from Gaia spectra in multiple photometric systems. """ def __init__(self, photometric_system, photometries): """ Initialise a synthetic photometry in multiple photometric systems. """ self.photometric_system = photometric_system # One element per source_id, each sub element corresponds to one photometric_system self.photometries = photometries self.source_ids = _get_source_ids(photometries) self.mags, self.fluxes, self.errors = _generate_variables(photometries) def _generate_output_df(self): photometries_df = self._photometries_to_df() # Reorder DataFrame columns phot_system_labels = [phot_system.get_system_label() for phot_system in self.photometric_system] reordered_columns = ['source_id'] for label in phot_system_labels: column_sublist = [column for column in photometries_df.columns if column.startswith(f'{label}_')] reordered_columns.extend(column_sublist) photometries_df = photometries_df[reordered_columns] return photometries_df def _photometries_to_df(self): list_of_dicts = [] for source_id, mags, fluxes, errors in zip(self.source_ids, self.mags, self.fluxes, self.errors): phot = {'source_id': source_id} mag = self._field_to_dict(mags, 'mag') flux = self._field_to_dict(fluxes, 'flux') error = self._field_to_dict(errors, 'flux_error') list_of_dicts.append({**phot, **mag, **flux, **error}) return pd.DataFrame(list_of_dicts) def _field_to_dict(self, values, name): def _build_dict_keys(_system_bands_tuples, _name): dict_keys = [] for system_bands in _system_bands_tuples: system = system_bands[0] bands = system_bands[1] for band in bands: dict_keys.append(f'{system}_{_name}_{band}') return dict_keys system_bands_tuples = [(phot_system.get_system_label(), phot_system.get_bands()) for phot_system in self.photometric_system] keys_list = _build_dict_keys(system_bands_tuples, name) values = _flatten_list(values) return {key: value for key, value in zip(keys_list, values)}