Source code for gaiaxpy.spectrum.xp_continuous_spectrum

Module to represent a BP/RP continuous spectrum.

import numpy as np

from gaiaxpy.core.generic_functions import array_to_symmetric_matrix
from .utils import _list_to_array, get_covariance_matrix
from .xp_spectrum import XpSpectrum

[docs] class XpContinuousSpectrum(XpSpectrum): """ A Gaia BP/RP spectrum represented as a continuous function defined as the sum of a set of bases functions multiplied by a set of coefficient. This definition is the result of the least squares fit. Covariance and standard deviation for the least square solution are also part of the continuous spectrum definition to allow estimating errors. """ def __init__(self, source_id, xp, coefficients, covariance, standard_deviation): """ Initialise XP continuous spectrum. Args: source_id (str): Source identifier. xp (str): Gaia photometer, can be either 'bp' or 'rp'. coefficients (ndarray): 1D array containing the coefficients multiplying the basis functions. covariance (ndarray): 2D array containing the covariance of the least squares solution. standard_deviation (float): Standard deviation of the least squares solution. """ XpSpectrum.__init__(self, source_id, xp) self.coefficients = coefficients self.covariance = covariance self.standard_deviation = standard_deviation
[docs] @classmethod def from_data_frame(cls, df, band): """ Initialise XP continuous spectrum from a Pandas DataFrame. Args: df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing at least the fields source_id, BAND_n_parameters, BAND_coefficients, BAND_coefficient_correlations, BAND_standard_deviation, where BAND is either 'bp' or 'rp'. The same structure as used in the archive for the correlation matrix is expected. band (str): Gaia photometer, can be either 'bp' or 'rp'. """ corr = array_to_symmetric_matrix(df[f'{band}_coefficient_correlations'], df[f'{band}_n_parameters']) df[f'{band}_coefficient_correlations'] = corr cov = get_covariance_matrix(df, band) return cls(df['source_id'], band, df[f'{band}_coefficients'], cov, df[f'{band}_standard_deviation'])
[docs] @classmethod def get_units(cls): return dict()
[docs] def get_coefficients(self): """ Get the coefficients associated with the spectrum. Returns: ndarray: The 1D array of the coefficients multiplying the basis functions. """ return self.coefficients
[docs] def get_covariance(self): """ Get the covariance associated with the spectrum. Returns: ndarray: The 2D array of the covariance matrix. """ return self.covariance
[docs] def get_standard_deviation(self): """ Get the standard deviation associated with the spectrum. Returns: float: The standard deviation of the least squares solution. """ return self.standard_deviation
[docs] def spectrum_to_dict(self): """ Represent spectrum as dictionary. Returns: dict: A dictionary populated with the minimum set of parameters that need to be stored for this object. This is optimised for writing large number of sampled spectra and for this reason the array of positions is NOT included as it is expected to be the same for a batch of spectra. The array fo positions can be retrieved calling the sampling_to_dict method. """ diagonal = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.covariance)) diagonal_inv = np.diag(1.0 / diagonal) correlation_matrix = np.matmul(np.matmul(diagonal_inv, self.covariance), diagonal_inv) return { 'source_id': self.source_id, 'xp': self.xp.upper(), 'standard_deviation': self.standard_deviation, 'coefficients': _list_to_array(self.coefficients), 'coefficient_correlations': _list_to_array(_extract_lower_triangle(correlation_matrix)), 'coefficient_errors': _list_to_array(diagonal), 'n_parameters': len(self.coefficients) }
def _extract_lower_triangle(matrix): """ Extract the lower triangle of the matrix without including the diagonal. """ # Get the indices indices = np.tril_indices(matrix.shape[0], k=-1) return np.array([matrix[i][j] for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1])])