Source code for gaiaxpy.spectrum.xp_sampled_spectrum

Module to represent a BP/RP sampled spectrum.

from numbers import Number

import numpy as np

from .sampled_spectrum import SampledSpectrum
from .utils import _list_to_array
from .xp_spectrum import XpSpectrum
from ..core.generic_functions import correlation_from_covariance, is_array_empty, is_variable_empty

[docs] class XpSampledSpectrum(XpSpectrum, SampledSpectrum): """ A Gaia BP/RP spectrum sampled to a given grid of positions. """ def __init__(self, source_id=0, xp=None, pos=None, flux=None, flux_error=None, cov=None, stdev=None): XpSpectrum.__init__(self, source_id, xp) self.pos = pos self.n_samples = None if is_array_empty(self.pos) else len(self.pos) self.flux = None if is_array_empty(flux) else flux self.error = None if is_array_empty(flux_error) else flux_error self.stdev = None if is_variable_empty(stdev) else stdev self.covariance = None if is_array_empty(cov) else cov
[docs] @classmethod def from_data_frame(cls, df, sampling, band): """ Initialise a sampled spectrum from a Pandas DataFrame. Args: df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing at least the fields source_id, flux, flux_error, cov The same structure as used in the archive for the correlation matrix is expected. sampling (ndarray): Given sampling. band (str): Gaia photometer, can be either 'bp' or 'rp'. """ return cls(df['source_id'], band, sampling, df['flux'], df['flux_error'], df['cov'])
[docs] @classmethod def from_continuous(cls, continuous_spectrum, sampled_basis_functions, truncation=-1, with_correlation=False): """ Initialise a spectrum. Args: continuous_spectrum (XpContinuousSpectrum): The continuous representation of this spectrum. sampled_basis_functions (SampledBasisFunctions): The set of basis functions sampled onto the grid defining the resolution of the final sampled spectrum. truncation (int): Number of bases to be used for this spectrum. The set of bases functions used for the continuous representation of the spectra has been optimised to ensure that the first bases are the ones that contribute most. In many cases, the last bases contribution will be below the noise. Truncation of the basis function set to preserve only the significant bases is optional. By default, no truncation will be applied, i.e. all bases will be used. with_correlation (bool): Whether correlation information should be generated. """ if continuous_spectrum and sampled_basis_functions: coefficients = continuous_spectrum.get_coefficients() design_matrix = sampled_basis_functions.get_design_matrix() pos = sampled_basis_functions.get_sampling_grid() if is_array_empty(coefficients): return cls(continuous_spectrum.get_source_id(), continuous_spectrum.get_xp(), pos) else: covariance = continuous_spectrum.get_covariance() if isinstance(truncation, Number) and truncation > 0: coefficients = coefficients[:truncation] covariance = covariance[:truncation, :truncation] design_matrix = design_matrix[:truncation][:] stdev = continuous_spectrum.get_standard_deviation() flux = SampledSpectrum._sample_flux(coefficients, design_matrix) flux_error = SampledSpectrum._sample_error(covariance, design_matrix, stdev) cov = SampledSpectrum._sample_covariance(covariance, design_matrix) if with_correlation else None return cls(continuous_spectrum.get_source_id(), continuous_spectrum.get_xp(), pos, flux, flux_error, cov, stdev) else: raise ValueError('Either the continuous spectrum or the sampled basis functions argument is empty.')
[docs] @classmethod def from_sampled(cls, source_id, xp, pos, flux, flux_error, cov=None): """ Initialise a spectrum. Args: source_id (long): The source identifier. xp (object): The photometer enum (BP/RP). pos (ndarray): The array of positions (in pseudo-wavelength or wavelength) of the samples. flux (ndarray): The flux value of each sample. flux_error (ndarray): The uncertainty on the flux value of each sample. cov (ndarray): The covariance matrix. """ return cls(source_id, xp, pos, flux, flux_error, cov)
[docs] def spectrum_to_dict(self, with_correlation): """ Represent spectrum as dictionary. Returns: dict: A dictionary populated with the minimum set of parameters that need to be stored for this object. This is optimised for writing large number of sampled spectra and for this reason the array of positions is NOT included as it is expected to be the same for a batch of spectra. The array of positions can be retrieved by calling the sampling_to_dict method. """ spectrum_dict = {'source_id': self.source_id, 'xp': self.xp.upper(), 'flux': _list_to_array(self.flux), 'flux_error': _list_to_array(self.error)} if with_correlation: full_correlation = correlation_from_covariance(self.covariance) spectrum_dict['correlation'] = full_correlation if \ full_correlation is None else full_correlation[np.tril_indices(full_correlation.shape[0], k=-1)] if self.stdev is not None: spectrum_dict['standard_deviation'] = self.stdev return spectrum_dict
def _sampling_to_dict(self): """ Represent sampling as dictionary. Returns: dict: A dictionary populated with the sampling grid used for this spectrum. """ return {'pos': _list_to_array(self.pos)} def _get_fluxes(self): return self.flux def _get_flux_errors(self): return self.error
[docs] def get_positions(self): return self.pos
def _get_covariance(self): return self.covariance
[docs] @classmethod def get_units(cls): return {'flux': 'electron/s', 'flux_error': 'electron/s', 'standard_deviation': 'electron/s', 'pos': 'pwl'}
[docs] @classmethod def get_flux_label(cls): return "Flux [e-/s]"
[docs] @classmethod def get_position_label(cls): return "Pseudo-wavelength"