Source code for gaiaxpy.error_correction.error_correction

Module that implements the error correction over a multi-photometry.

from functools import lru_cache
from os import listdir
from os.path import join, isfile
from sys import stdout

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from tqdm import tqdm

from gaiaxpy.config.paths import correction_tables_path
from gaiaxpy.core.generic_functions import cast_output, _extract_systems_from_data, _warning
from gaiaxpy.core.generic_variables import pbar_colour, pbar_units, pbar_message
from gaiaxpy.input_reader.input_reader import InputReader
from gaiaxpy.output.photometry_data import PhotometryData

def _get_correctable_systems():
    correction_files = listdir(correction_tables_path)
    systems = [filename.split('-')[2] for filename in correction_files]
    return systems

def _read_system_table(system):
    correction_factors_path = join(correction_tables_path, f'DIDREQ-465-{system}-correction-factors.csv')
    if isfile(correction_factors_path):
        correction_table = pd.read_csv(correction_factors_path, float_precision='round_trip')
        correction_table['bin_centre'] = (correction_table['min_Gmag_bin'] + correction_table['max_Gmag_bin']) / 2
        return correction_table
    raise FileNotFoundError(f'No correction table found for system {system}.')

def _get_correction_array(_mag_G_values, system):
    correction_table = _read_system_table(system)
    min_value, max_value = correction_table['min_Gmag_bin'].iloc[0], correction_table['max_Gmag_bin'].iloc[-1]
    floor_mag_dict = correction_table.set_index('min_Gmag_bin').T.to_dict()
    factor_columns = [col for col in correction_table.columns if 'factor_' in col]
    _mag_G_values = _mag_G_values.to_frame(name='mag_G')
    _mag_G_values['row'] = _mag_G_values['mag_G'].map(lambda x: floor_mag_dict.get(float(np.floor(x))))
    return _mag_G_values.apply(_get_correction_factor, args=(correction_table, factor_columns,
                                                             min_value, max_value,), axis=1)

def _get_correction_factor(mag_row, correction_table, factor_columns, min_value, max_value):
    mag = mag_row['mag_G']
    row = mag_row['row']
    if (mag > max_value) or pd.isna(mag):
        return correction_table[factor_columns].iloc[-1].values
    elif mag < min_value:
        return correction_table[factor_columns].iloc[0].values
    bin_centre = row['bin_centre']
    factors = np.array([row[factor] for factor in factor_columns])
    if mag <= bin_centre:
        return factors
    range_row_max_Gmag_bin = row['max_Gmag_bin']
    if bin_centre < mag < range_row_max_Gmag_bin:
            next_range_row = correction_table[correction_table['min_Gmag_bin'] == range_row_max_Gmag_bin].iloc[0]
            next_factors = next_range_row[factor_columns]
        except IndexError:
            return factors
        return interp1d(np.array([bin_centre, range_row_max_Gmag_bin]), np.vstack([factors, next_factors]), axis=0)(mag)
    # Raise an exception if none of the conditions match
    raise ValueError('Check the variables being used. The program should never fall in this case.')

def _correct_system(system_df, correction_array):
    # Extract error columns
    error_df = system_df[[column for column in system_df.columns if '_error' in column]]
    error_df_columns = error_df.columns
    if len(error_df_columns) != len(correction_array[0]):
        raise ValueError('DataFrames should have the same number of columns.')
    error_df = np.array(error_df)
    correction_array = np.array([x for x in correction_array])
    product_array = error_df * correction_array
    return pd.DataFrame(product_array, columns=error_df_columns)

# The correction can only be applied for the systems present in the config files
__correctable_systems = _get_correctable_systems()

[docs] def apply_error_correction(input_multi_photometry, photometric_system=None, output_path='.', output_file='output_corrected_photometry', output_format=None, save_file=True): """ Apply error correction (see Montegriffo et al., 2022, for more details). Infer photometric systems if not specified. Args: input_multi_photometry (DataFrame): Photometry DataFrame, can contain photometry for one or more systems. photometric_system (obj): Desired photometric system or list of photometric systems. output_path (str): Path where to save the output data. output_file (str): Name of the output file without extension (e.g. 'my_file'). output_format (str): Desired output format. If no format is given, the output file format will be the same as the input file (e.g. 'csv'). save_file (bool): Whether to save the output in a file. If false, output_format and output_file_name are ignored. Returns: DataFrame: A DataFrame of all synthetic photometry with corrected errors for the systems for which it is possible. """ return _apply_error_correction(input_multi_photometry, photometric_system=photometric_system, output_path=output_path, output_file=output_file, output_format=output_format, save_file=save_file)
def _apply_error_correction(input_multi_photometry, photometric_system=None, output_path='.', output_file='output_corrected_photometry', output_format=None, save_file=True, disable_info=False): __FUNCTION_KEY = 'correction' gaia_system = 'GaiaDr3Vega' gaia_G_mag_column = f'{gaia_system}_mag_G' input_multi_photometry, extension = InputReader(input_multi_photometry, apply_error_correction, False, disable_info=disable_info).read() # Validate that it is a multi-photometry, but how? First try below: if gaia_G_mag_column not in input_multi_photometry.columns: raise ValueError('System Gaia_DR3_Vega, required to apply the error correction is not present in the input' ' photometry.') columns = list(input_multi_photometry.columns) columns.remove('source_id') systems_in_data = _extract_systems_from_data(columns, photometric_system) # Only correct the systems that can be corrected systems = list(set(systems_in_data) & set(__correctable_systems)) systems_to_skip = set(systems_in_data) - set(__correctable_systems) if systems_to_skip and not disable_info: print() for system in systems_to_skip: _warning(f'System {system} does not have a correction table. The program will not apply error correction over' ' this system.') for system in tqdm(systems, desc=pbar_message[__FUNCTION_KEY], total=len(systems), unit=pbar_units[__FUNCTION_KEY], leave=False, colour=pbar_colour, file=stdout): system_df = input_multi_photometry[[column for column in input_multi_photometry.columns if (column.startswith(system) and f'{system}Std' not in column) or column == gaia_G_mag_column]] # Get the correction factors for the mag G column correction_array = _get_correction_array(system_df[gaia_G_mag_column], system) # Correct error magnitudes corrected_system = _correct_system(system_df, correction_array) # Apply correction to the original input_multi_photometry input_multi_photometry.update(corrected_system) output_data = PhotometryData(input_multi_photometry) = cast_output(output_data), output_path, output_file, output_format, extension) return input_multi_photometry